Will I Get This Done Before School Starts Again? My Journey


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2023
I wanted to start a new journey in case someone like me finds this board and ends of spending way too many hours obsessing about WLS and DS and couldn't find nearly enough blogs (not counting YouTube).

I'm currently 47 (soon to be 48), with three children, one husband, one ex-husband, and three cats. I am a high school English teacher, which is simultaneously as horrifying and wonderful as you might fear. I've only been teaching in public schools for two years. I was an English department lecturer at the university where I received my MFA in Creative Writing, but that was not a tenured position and paid even less than public school teaching.

As mentioned in a previous post (maybe - I have ADHD and use it to my advantage at times to forget things), I served in the US Navy. I've held a lot of jobs (something else to blame on my ADHD) from chiropractic assistant to CNA to office assistant in a grocery store. I like to learn new things and get easily bored (ADHD again - perhaps a pattern?).

I have struggled with my weight most of my life. As I look back on childhood photos, I wish I could tell that little girl that she was beautiful just the way she was, and that whatever unattainable beauty standards my mother had for me had nothing to do with that young girl's worth. Unfortunately, it took me pretty much until now to figure that out.

I have tried most diets and all sorts of exercise. I was actually making good progress in 2017 when I was wearing a size 6 and training for a half-marathon. Then I broke my ankle. I was hopeful, though, that I could ease my way back into running.

Then my son died.

Since then, I've struggled against a tide of ever-present grief and ever-increasing weight. Food was my comfort, my joy, and my best friend. Eventually, with therapy, medication, and my actual best friend's support, I got to a place where I realized my weight was out of control. I had been merely obese for decades, but I had finally crossed the threshold into super morbid obesity. I had to lose weight! So I started weighing and measuring and logging all of my food. It worked in 2017, so obviously it should work again.

But it didn't. I had to eat less than 1000 calories a day to see any movement on the scale, and I couldn't live like that. Literally - it was affecting my health. So I decided on weight loss surgery. I had thought about getting help and even looked into medication, but my PCP told me that I should just "eat less and move more" and that he "didn't believe in that other stuff." He was so helpful.

After falling down the Google rabbit hole, I found that OtHer site, which led me here. I had been leading towards the SADI after attending a weight loss information seminar, but after doing more research, I decided the DS would be the best option for me: think twice and cut once.

Anyway, long story less long, I will be getting the DS from Dr. Ng at Rex Bariatrics. I got started a little late in the year, so while I'm trying to get my surgery done before school starts in the fall, I know that it will not really be up to me. Letting go of that control is difficult, but I'm doing my best to do all that I can to push things.

First consult: 5/23

My pre-surgery scheduling checklist:
3 nutrition classes - been to one, scheduled for second, have to wait until the next one to schedule the third
cardiac clearance - waiting for the cardiologist's office to call me back, they said it would take about a week
psych clearance - completed today
blood work - completed 6/4
PCP clearance and 5 year weight history - scheduled for 6/9
Upper GI - scheduled for 6/14

My insurance doesn't require any specific waiting period for weigh-ins or anything, so I'm good there.

I'll update more as my timeline progresses. I actually have more to write, but I'm doing this at work (it's testing time and I'm done so I just need to pack up my classroom), and the bell just rang so I'm going home to finish reading Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King.
I am so sorry about your son.
As for your PCP, I hope you’ve replaced him/her as you don’t need that negativity moving forward.
I'm so sorry for your loss!
And I agree with southernlady, a new and improved pcp is in order. Last thing you need either before or after bariatric surgery is an unsupportive and perhaps critical and/or judgemental doctor.
So sorry about that overwhelming loss.

Then…so your actual surgery date won’t be until July? When does school resume? How close is your classroom to Faculty Restroom? (Not a sarcastic question.). How helpful are your next-door-neighbor teachers in terms of covering for you if you have to rush out of the room?

I don’t think that six weeks post-op I’d have been able to maintain on the bell schedule. I wouldn’t constantly NEED a toilet. But the time between realizing I (might) need one and waiting for the bell might be problematic that soon after surgery.
I am so sorry about your son.
As for your PCP, I hope you’ve replaced him/her as you don’t need that negativity moving forward.

I only see him for my annual physical, which is actually every two years now since he said that my other doctors pretty much do everything. Duh. Anyway, he's retiring and I'm being transferred to a newer doctor to the practice (who is the one I'll be seeing Friday to sign my papers), and he's much better at listening and wanting to work with me.

ETA: Thank you.
I'm so sorry for your loss!
And I agree with southernlady, a new and improved pcp is in order. Last thing you need either before or after bariatric surgery is an unsupportive and perhaps critical and/or judgemental doctor.

Thank you.

And I'm in the process of transferring to a new PCP since my current one is retiring. I don't actually have to see the doctor named on my card, just one in the same practice (for insurance purposes), and the doctor to whom they are transferring me is much better at working with me.
So sorry about that overwhelming loss.

Then…so your actual surgery date won’t be until July? When does school resume? How close is your classroom to Faculty Restroom? (Not a sarcastic question.). How helpful are your next-door-neighbor teachers in terms of covering for you if you have to rush out of the room?

I don’t think that six weeks post-op I’d have been able to maintain on the bell schedule. I wouldn’t constantly NEED a toilet. But the time between realizing I (might) need one and waiting for the bell might be problematic that soon after surgery.

Thank you.

And no, not until July. School starts mid August for Professional Development and Work Days, but I won't actually see students until the end of the month, which would give me at least 4 weeks. My neighbor teachers are really great, and my room is right across from the faculty bathroom. I also have co-teachers for some of my classes, which gives me extra coverage.

I wish I had started this process sooner, but at least I'm finally doing something about it. (My therapist is happy that I'm being more proactive about reframing things in a more positive light.)
I saw my soon-to-be-new PCP, and he was very supportive of the surgery. He's relatively new to the practice and still young, so he's been more willing to spend time with me and asking questions. He wouldn't sign my form, though, because he wanted to retest my liver function since it was so high on Sunday. Which, yes, good doctor, but I kind of wanted to bypass any roadblocks. I haven't gotten the results back yet, so I'll just worry about that until Monday, which is my second nutrition visit and then I have a televisit with the cardiologist pre-op team for my cardiac clearance.

Yesterday was rough, as Matilda, the cat my son chose from the rescue, died. She's been declining for a bit, and we've had more time than expected with her (15 years old with kidney disease). We took her to the vet so that she could go peacefully. The vet got caught up in a phone call (I'm assuming with an emergency - giving her the benefit of the doubt), so Matilda's end was not peaceful. I won't go into details, but it was not good. We have two other cats who are currently confused.

Yesterday was also graduation for my school. I thought about not going, but I didn't want to let my graduating seniors down. They were in my in-betweeners class, which is for seniors who didn't pass their junior level English, so we had to work in two years of English in one year. All of them did well and their class average was higher than the school and district averages for the finals, so I was very proud of them. I pinky-promised my juniors that I would come to see them graduate next year. I'm touched that they want me there. They are so annoying sometimes but I love them.

The tough part is letting go of what I can't control. I have to keep asking myself, am I doing everything that I need to do? Okay, then things will work out the way they should. I guess all that therapy is actually useful.
I’m sorry about the loss of your son’ cat. Losing a furbaby isn’t easy even when you know it’s coming.

Glad your new PCP is on board. So does he have a plan to deal with the high liver function or does he understand it’s gonna stay high while you lose weight. It will get better but not right away.

Congratulations to your in-betweeners.
I'm so sorry for your loss of your and your son's kitty. It's never easy.
Good news about the new pcp. Liver tests will improve eventually as you lose weight, though as southernlady said, not right away, and they may even bounce up at first. It's a wild ride for sure.
I'm sorry about your cat. Both of my dogs crossed the Rainbow Bridge this year. My husband and were there. It was fairly peaceful. One had to be given more tranquilizers before the actual injection. That was a little hard, but it did give us a few more minutes to pet and comfort her.
I'm sorry for your losses. Your new pcp seems to be thoughtful in approach, which is great. Even if if there are more bumps in the road to surgery - please know a great future awaits.
Thank you all. I'm new here and sort of bombarding you all with my losses. I appreciate your kind words.

I'll have to make a note to let him know about how the weight loss will affect the liver function tests. Since I'm not currently losing weight, I can't really use that as an excuse, and I suppose it's better safe than sorry.

I'm supposed to be quitting caffeine, and I made it to 1:30pm before I caved and drank some coffee. At least it was only one cup and I drank it black. I tried ibuprofen to hold back the headache, but nope.

Now I get to empty out my car enough so I can put my school chair into it. It's the last thing from my room I need to bring home. And when I say "now," I mean tomorrow morning right before I need to drive to my next nutrition class.
One of things I love about this forum is how I can rant about/ celebrate things not related to WLS. I received so much encouragement last year when I broke my hip. Shortly afterwards, I got a kidney stone. I don't know which caused the most pain, but at least when I got rid of the stone I felt better without any lingering pain. My hip, while not as painful today, still has to get better.
I'm so sorry for your losses.

my PCP told me that I should just "eat less and move more" and that he "didn't believe in that other stuff."

how can people be so stupid and call themselves a doctor?!
Anyway, long story less long, I will be getting the DS from Dr. Ng at Rex Bariatrics.

looks like you are in the right place.

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