new to the group but not to WLS


Jul 19, 2019
Hello! I am Holly~~a newbie to this group. I've been on my WLS 'journey' since 1992. I did really well x 25 yrs but have struggled the past 2 yrs with regain of weight. I'm researching what my options are for a revision surgery now. I may have to travel out of my state to do that, but no problem. I have time, as I am recently retired. I look forward to meeting you and hopefully my input will help others on their WLS journey.
Hi and welcome! And in addition to the above questions, where are you (roughly)?
Welcome hkj324! Looking forward to learning more about your WLS journey and what brings you here. What was your original surgery in 1992?
Welcome hkj324! Looking forward to learning more about your WLS journey and what brings you here. What was your original surgery in 1992?
My original surgery was in 1992 in Charlotte, NC and was gastric stapling. Nobody did RNY bypass in NC back then. From day #1 I had issues swallowing things past my esophagus. I had to be readmitted twice after taking a Lortab once and then half of one the #2 time. Surgeon thought it was normal post-op swelling. 5 yrs down the road the it was found that the surgeon placed the staples too close to the gastro-esophageal junction. I lost and then had to REgain 100+ lbs or BC/BS wouldn't pay for the revision surgery. Revision surgery in 1998 caused me to have BILE REFLUX. I was revised to RNY Bypass and had it done in VA by a Surgeon who had been doing RNYs x 27 yrs. It took me 17 years to find a NC Bariatric surgeon who knew about bile reflux to do a #3 surgery to lower my Roux limp another 6 ft. I lost all but 2 of my molar teeth to the bile reflux, too. I kept 212 lost pounds off x28 yrs by walking 10,000 steps every day.
In 2017 a truck accident and 3 level mid spine fusion stopped all my walking. I very slowly put back on 67 pounds...COVID sitting at home working via Skype.
August 2022 my PA-C offered me Ozempic. I have lost 120 pounds on it and Mounjaro. I'm thinner now than even during my RNY/ walking years. I lost 10 dress sizes. At 71, I will be staying on this med til my final days!! They have been my miracle meds! Mounjaro has similar but uniquely different positive effects, FOR ME, than the Ozempic but I lost 100 of the pounds on the Ozempic. Stopping the 'food chatter' has been more beneficial to me than any surgery! I've had ZERO of any bad side effects on either medication. Would I do gastric bypass again...maybe, but I would hope NOT knowing all the things I've had happen after such. These GLP-1 and GIP meds are truly game changers.
I lost 100 of the pounds on the Ozempic. Stopping the 'food chatter' has been more beneficial to me than any surgery! I've had ZERO of any bad side effects on either medication.
I'm glad your results have been so good!
What a story! I'm sorry you went through so much with poorly performed surgery, and so glad the new meds are working so well for you. I agree that, for a lot of people, these drugs can be downright miraculous and game changing, and hope one of these days the supply chain problems will be resolved and that prices will come down (and that insurers will cover them, as they SHOULD! Obesity is the only medical problem, other than mental illness, that is so stigmatized that they can get away with not paying for medically necessary care).