Never Had Surgery? Here's What to Expect!

I'm garbed up with my ass hanging out on my skinny gurney and believing I was being taken to my room to await my OR time. Wrong. My gurney gathers speed and jackknifed the corner BANG right into the OR. I sit bolt upright wide eyed like a hostage see Dr G behind me and start shouting at him using colorful expletives. I see him holding a large syringe of clear fluid I know to be Versed. He lifts my IV tubing and starts pushing this medication so fast his knuckles whitened. I know exactly how this drug works so I continue my rant at the speed of an auctioneer so I could speak my mind before the elixir hit my blood stream. Then it was lights out.

Same place, same doctors... yet I remember being in my room reading, then awakening in my room late at night... and I'm not sure I even remember that. Amnesiacs. Geesh. Every now and then I think I get a flash of something that happened when I was out of my room in OR or recovery, like those people who get memory flashes of being anally probed by aliens, but I can't be sure.
Ya know, there might be some validity to the anal probe. I believe I might have been actually fisted by that same alien!!