2023 has sucked!


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2016
Hey everyone!

I’m still alive! Soon I will have been on steroids for an entire year and have had anaphylaxis so many times I think I have lost count. I have regained half the weight I have lost from the DS and having serious side effects from the steroids. Prednisone stopped working in August (?) so now I am on Dexamethasone and the weight really packed on and so did a whole bunch of other side effects. I had to stop vitamins again because I was hyper reacting to everything. Now I need to test them out again and see if they’re okay!!!

But I have used my epi pens 8 times this past year and the ERs suck and didn’t know what was wrong with me. I had stroke symptoms and TIA and they didn’t screen me. They also blew out 6 veins once’s and was also supposed to take blood but couldn’t so they just quit and walked out!! They told me I could walk out of there because I “wasn’t in imminent death” but I couldn’t talk nor could I walk. They couldn’t even explain why I couldn’t do these things but said this drug (Xolair) had some nasty side effects and I should follow up with my allergy dr and cardiologist. I have a pulmonologist and internal medicine dr too. ENT. I do have a diagnosis though, idiopathic anaphylaxis and so far three treatments have been awful and/or bad. I’m getting treatment from a University because it’s a rare disease and nothing seems to work. Next up is anti rejection drugs for organ transplants.

We had our flooring ripped out because the previous owners had a lot of cats and I was having allergic reactions to the carpet. So we were going to replace the wood floors and tile because they are porous and cat dander can get in it too. They demoed our whole flooring in both levels and found many spots of black mold! One contractor was just going to tile over the wood floors and ceramic tile and that would’ve been bad for me. The black mold would have spread everywhere. I also had pneumonia twice and was stung by a Yellowjacket. I wish I could ash in on my unluckiness!

I’m still weak and sick. My kids are both in school now, the boy is 17 and the girl is five. These poor kids have had to learn how to administer epi pens and have watched me stop breathing and this is not the life I wanted for them. But I have family here and so much support! I asked for help and people helped me! I’m depressed and anxious as hell and these near death experiences have been traumatic on all of us. I keep hoping that I’ll be able to wean off steroids and lose this weight but the DS will still work for me. In the mean time, the puffiness from anaphylaxis and steroids has made my face have NO WRINKLES! That’s right, I could die at any time but my face is nice and smooth at 48!
I turned 48 in October and this has been a nightmarish hellscape buuuuuut my skin looks young. My sister in law and I make a lot of morbid jokes about it and it’s seems like it’s only hilarious to us! My husband gets horrified. Heehee


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I turned 48 in October and this has been a nightmarish hellscape buuuuuut my skin looks young. My sister in law and I make a lot of morbid jokes about it and it’s seems like it’s only hilarious to us! My husband gets horrified. Heehee
Well, sometimes morbid jokes are therapeutic. At least it's helped me cope. I'm sorry you're going through this and glad to hear you have a support network.
I’m so sorry to hear about what you’ve been going through.

I know from personal experience, pushing your way through is what’s needed. And you’re doing it!
I'm sorry you've been through so much - bad times really don't get handed out equally, do they?

I'm glad you & SIL can laugh about it because there is no downside to that.

Oh this sounds awful!! That black mold could be contributing to your immune system being in overdrive... I'm glad you are seeing doctors at a university, hopefully they'll be current with the latest research. Having a rare condition sucks SO much because there is often so little study of it, we are just little individual science experiments and the DS just makes it all the moreso! snort I had a near death allergic reaction to a medication last year and have to carry epi pens now. I can't imagine having it happen without knowing what is causing it...

It is good you and your sister-in-law can joke about it! I am a "gallows humor" sort of person and not everyone gets it, that's for sure! LOL Your skin DOES look baby smooth!
Oh this sounds awful!! That black mold could be contributing to your immune system being in overdrive... I'm glad you are seeing doctors at a university, hopefully they'll be current with the latest research. Having a rare condition sucks SO much because there is often so little study of it, we are just little individual science experiments and the DS just makes it all the moreso! snort I had a near death allergic reaction to a medication last year and have to carry epi pens now. I can't imagine having it happen without knowing what is causing it...

It is good you and your sister-in-law can joke about it! I am a "gallows humor" sort of person and not everyone gets it, that's for sure! LOL Your skin DOES look baby smooth!
Thank you!! I know AFTER the fact what triggered me and it’s often something that never has before. There’s been a couple times I didn’t know what it was because everything was an issue. At one point my throat would close up to apples but now I can eat apples. My body decides daily which things it feels like being allergic too! FYI make sure you bring both epi pens because sometimes one isn’t enough.

We were getting rid of carpet because we knew the cat dander was causing my hives to be overly intense and aggressive but finding the black mold was a shock! I am immunocompromised because I have been on steroids for so long, that black mold would have killed me eventually. I wasn’t even allowed in the house when they were demoing or anything until they got rid of everything.

Sometimes, people’s horrified reactions to my jokes are funnier than my morbid humor!! I cry a lot about this so they need to also let me find humor in this!!
This sounds terrifying and miserable. Is there any chance you can stay somewhere else while the work is being done? Cat allergens are unique, and stick in an environment like nothing else. Houses that haven't have a cat in them fire 20 years can still have cat allergens sticking to walls. I'd also wash, and repaint everything. I hope you get some relief
This sounds terrifying and miserable. Is there any chance you can stay somewhere else while the work is being done? Cat allergens are unique, and stick in an environment like nothing else. Houses that haven't have a cat in them fire 20 years can still have cat allergens sticking to walls. I'd also wash, and repaint everything. I hope you get some relief
I went and stayed at my brother and SIL’s house. We all did. My daughter has asthma and we moved all our stuff into some pods so things would be out the way. I also didn’t want dander and black mold kicked up and get all over my stuff. We moved back into our home January 2nd. It’s been better for me.
I’m still alive and have been off steroids for 2.5 weeks and my body doesn’t like it. But I have gained so much weight that even though I am itchy and struggling with anaphylaxis, I can sort of manage it without steroids. Because I really don’t like weighing 215. It’s too much.

I also got referred by my cardiologist to a cardiologist at the same university that I go to for my anaphylaxis stuff. They feel it’s related. My blood pressure gets high and gets loooow and I have like extra heartbeats. I also am retaining fluid like my mom did with her congestive heart failure on top of having high blood pressure. It gets low when I am having anaphylaxis. Tuesday it was 81/39. I felt funny and my husband has to help me to bed and put my legs up over my heart. Then I took some Benadryl. And then later more Benadryl. 😝 Then all the antihistamines I take twice a day, I took a third dosage.

I have noticed that I am reacting to some of my vitamins. The 1000mg of Kirkland’s Vitamin C that I take with my iron. Now I just take the iron on its own until I can find one that isn’t made with ascorbic acid. Also Dr Stewart’s DS Multivitamin is causing a reaction too so I stopped it. My PTH is 80 and my doctors are like oh that’s fine and I’m thinking in my head NO it’s not. I’m so weak and getting out the bed, stairs and walking hurt so bad. I have a walker and rollator I use all the time. I also shaved my head because I lost so much hair. My existence is miserable and I am depressed and have PTSD from all the respiratory distress I have had.

But I still don’t regret the DS. While they tried to blame everything on my anxiety and depression from chronic pain that I was on top of and managing, they couldn’t blame my weight. I also got a new diagnosis, Mast Cell Disorder. I also have idiopathic anaphylaxis. I have two other rare orphan diseases so I have a grand total of four rare orphan diseases! I hope I win a prize! 😂

I missed you all!
But I still don’t regret the DS. While they tried to blame everything on my anxiety and depression from chronic pain that I was on top of and managing, they couldn’t blame my weight. I also got a new diagnosis, Mast Cell Disorder. I also have idiopathic anaphylaxis. I have two other rare orphan diseases so I have a grand total of four rare orphan diseases! I hope I win a prize! 😂
That’s one prize we never want.

Rare diseases are a royal PITA.
Hoping you can get to the root cause of this all and get relief. Are you potentially allergic to a preservative in the vitamins?