I thought weight loss surgery was not for me


Staff member
Jan 1, 2014
I'm writing this because we have "promoted" this site on facebook and I know how hard it is for us vets to remember: there was a time when I thought surgery was TOO DRASTIC.

I was a "lightweight" (in WLS circles, that can be 150 pounds overweight) and our society is so used to large people that this seems, well, normal.

so we forget how drastic it is to live obese and morbidly obese and so on. that's what's drastic. surgery for a medical problem? it should be used more often. it should not be the last resort - but that was the way I saw it before I learned about it. and I didn't learn about it from my doctor, no, I learned by reading the experiences of those who had it.
And on the other end, I ran around in profat/size acceptance circles where we were told we would die, have horrible complications from "mutilating" our bodies and at best, if we lived, we were a sell out and fake. That is why I am sooooo open about my journey. Other fatties trapped in the "acceptance" circles need to know they can live for themselves. I have had no less than 10 convos with people from that past life who are now also seeking WLS.

So light weights are told they are taking the easy way and heavy weights are told they are sell outs. Nice body/woman shaming place out there in the world.
I did enough diet and exercise regimes to know they didn't work long term for me. Like decades worth. I got my first doctor prescribed 'diet' when I was six weeks old. My mom was told to start replacing one of my breastfeedings with a bottle of water because I was gaining too fast... Can you say doomed from conception?

If my leg is broken, I will get it fixed. My metabolism was broken and I fixed it! Yay me! The only thing I should have done differently was do it decades sooner!
we were told we would die, have horrible complications from "mutilating" our bodies and at best, if we lived, we were a sell out and fake

I swear, folks really need to learn better. it's ridiculous.
Made a forum for non surgical weight loss...moving this there as an informational post as to why we chose a surgical solution.
there was a non-0p on OH who was in my (now kaput) Clean Eating Group. I wish I had been able to contact her before losing touch.

she was smart and had a lot of info. also ate high-carb, at least relatively, lots of plant food and she was really successful with it - had lost 200 pounds or something impressive like that.

a good example of how one size does not fit all!
I swear, folks really need to learn better. it's ridiculous.

Yup. And when you are young, impressionable and have always been fat and are finding acceptance for the first time, you swallow the bullsh*t whole, without question. I actually did a research paper AGAINST WLS in University...at 540lbs. I was buried deep in denial as a lot of the people in the size acceptance movement are. It wasn't until I aged (hit 30) and realised I hurt and that I was missing out on the things I wanted to do more. So I decided to stop pretending, to stop living up to other peoples ideals and to what I wanted to do....which was lose weight, be more mobile and increase my chances of living a longer life. So yeah. The BS is deep. And now that I have had WLS I am shunned from said people/community because I am seen as a hypocrite. Sod them. I am living a good life and not following the crowd! :) Life is good, but short, so life is exactly how you want.
shunned? that's terrible. people deserve and ought to be able to expect acceptance no matter what their size, of course.

and they ought to be able to do anything they can find for their health, too. BOTH! (do we have a shaking fist smilie?)

shunned? that's terrible. people deserve and ought to be able to expect acceptance no matter what their size, of course.

and they ought to be able to do anything they can find for their health, too. BOTH! (do we have a shaking fist smilie?)


Indeed. I still BELIEVE in size acceptance in that people should not be judged solely on their size or on the weight on the scale, and I do believe dr's should treat the patients for what ails them and not blame every sore throat or ear infection on fat. I ALSO do not believe that people should be DISCOURAGED from improving their life. So yeah. I drum to my own beat these days lol
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well, you are right and they are wrong. it's that simple! thing is, I don't see how they can't see it.

can't remember if I posted about her before but I work with a very nice therapist who is a tall woman and very slender. VERY. she is healthy, just naturally built slender.

she is also a gentle, shy soul and I know it bothers her that people say things about her size all the time. it's rude enough to comment on it & then people feel free to advise her - "you should eat more" !!

WTH is wrong with people, do they have no sense? sometimes no.
well, you are right and they are wrong. it's that simple! thing is, I don't see how they can't see it.

can't remember if I posted about her before but I work with a very nice therapist who is a tall woman and very slender. VERY. she is healthy, just naturally built slender.

she is also a gentle, shy soul and I know it bothers her that people say things about her size all the time. it's rude enough to comment on it & then people feel free to advise her - "you should eat more" !!

WTH is wrong with people, do they have no sense? sometimes no.

I actually wrote a blog entry about my experience being cut off from Fat Acceptance.

I might be cheating a bit here, but maybe it I keep saying Size Acceptance and Fat Acceptance and Weight Loss Surgery maybe a google, bebo, yahoo, msn bot will pick it up and save someone's life!!! ;) Clever bunny, aren't I?

The easy way out??? pppfffft. I say it like this:

If a house is on fire, and you are trapped on the 2nd or 3rd floor and the only way you will through it is to JUMP, you will JUMP!!!! Just because the front door is the expected entrance and exit in a building does not mean there isn't any other time to use "the easy way out" as the hard way out will kill you. My proverbial house was on fire as I was stuck on the 10th floor, I had to jump or die.

Easy way out my ass. I did what I had to do and am doing what I need to do...for ME! Anyone else reading this, the take home message is this: In your heart of hearts, what do YOU want for your future?