This place may be improving or getting bad.

Spiky Bugger

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
I wonder.

Apparently, we are under relatively new management…new management that wants to make things nicer.

I bitched about meal service times. Food Guy made excuses. Friday, a higher ranking, but newer here than Food Guy, asked how things were going. I said there were SOME improvements but they TELL ME what they will serve me and then serve something different and they are STILL not compliant with state law. He asked me to send him an email on the topic. (Mind you, I did not initiate this conversation.)

Yesterday, a Med Tech stumbled a bit getting out of the elevator. It looks like (actually, it looks like Italy…lol) the elevator car isn’t exactly even with the floor, and her shoe got hung up on the difference. She said, “I heard you guys are a lot more ‘with it’ than most other residents and you know how to let our management know when there’s a problem. Will you please tell them this is dangerous? They will fix it if YOU complain.”

So…analysis, please?

I think the first level supervisor types…most of whom have been here far longer than the new Administrators… are used to doing things their way are are not about to cave in to the demands of “the new kids,” even if they are the bosses. And meanwhile, staff has figured out that if they can get residents to complain about things, those complaints carry more weight than THEIR complaints.

If I’m correct, it’s because of The Peter Principal, which posits that in every heirarchical organization, people rise to their level of incompetence…until almost every area is run by someone who isn’t really up to the task…almost every manager is there because s/he was good at what they USED TO DO.

I figure Food Guy was a decent dishwasher, food server, cook. And now he’s just incompetent, but he’s the boss. There may be similar issues in Maintenance?

But y’all may have a better explanation!
Revenue-driven prioritization? Seems short-sighted. Glad you are keeping management on their toes!
Yeah, but if the first level supervisors drag their feet long enough, they may find themselves replaced.
But yes, customer complaints tend to carry more weight than staff complaint.
Revenue-driven prioritization? Seems short-sighted. Glad you are keeping management on their toes!
Am I?
I was not familiar with the term “revenue-driven prioritization.” Googled it. Now I’m more confused because SOME places think it’s a good thing. I need more education on this topic.
First time I've ever heard of "revenue-driven prioritization" too...

But, seems pretty clear, do things that make the most money first...

Unsaid, is the corollary, and the rest of you can go to... well you know the rest
First time I've ever heard of "revenue-driven prioritization" too...

But, seems pretty clear, do things that make the most money first...

Unsaid, is the corollary, and the rest of you can go to... well you know the rest

But…but…isn’t that the way our entire system is designed? The board’s primary allegiance has to be to the shareholders, IOW, those who have invested in the company. Their best interests don’t ALWAYS equate to money, but every shareholder has a financial dog in the race.
Looks like they want to exclude meals from our plan.

Also sounds like they would be delighted if some resident filed formal complaints Re Food Service.
Take the No Meals Discount they will likely offer.

MrSue is a cheap date. His delivered entrees cost <$80/wk. And he can eat Normal People food…like oatmeal for breakfast (cardiac history) and a sandwich for lunch. He makes himself some horrid chicken soup that he claims to enjoy.

Mine, otoh, can be costly. I have a place that can deliver low FODMAP entrees for about the same cost as his. But the whole rest of the day has to come from the expensive place, where deliveries are overnighted from NY at $50 in delivery charges each time. THERE, I can get a breakfast (but I’d rather fix my own), delicious soups, chicken wraps, cinnamon rolls, and they have really good entrees. But they are “costy.”

But…and this is weird…I’m pretty sure at least SOME of Admin would appreciate my filing a formal complaint. Food Service dude has been here 12 years. He does what he needs to do to look good on paper…like publish a menu as required by law. But what’s on the menu is not what is served!

I THINK that once in a while a resident complains. But it’s fairly easy for him to imply that the complaining resident, usually an elderly woman in need of assistance with ADLs, is “confused.” When we complained about dinner being served at 3:30 or 3:45 pm, Food Service dude said that NEVER happens. Turns out, one of the Admins was in this apartment when it was delivered that early…and called him on his lie. So it wasn’t some random, confused old lady. He, of course, said he’d look into that one off delivery error.

So I’m thinking that Admin is on firmer ground responding to a formal complaint by folks not (yet) in need of Assistance in ADLs. Maybe?
it’s fairly easy for him to imply that the complaining resident, usually an elderly woman in need of assistance with ADLs, is “confused."
like people's physical and cognitive abilities all decline all at the same rate - what bullshit.

but it sure sounds like he's been doing this for years, the bastard.

another tactic I would guess is just stall and the complainer will keep declining or conveniently die or something.

well, whatever happens I hope you are getting what you need, Sue.

and I hope Food Service guy (and a lot of other people I've met) end up in the same kind of building when they are vulnerable because I know they don't think that will ever happen.

sigh. it's bad mojo to wish a giant CVA on anybody. I've been telling myself that since the 2016 election.
Well, then.

Rent just decreased again. It is now $1500/mo less than when we moved in. We provide our own meals.

And, I reported the Food Service guy to the state. An unannounced inspection will take place in the next ten days.

Also, Marketing Dude told us that they WANT more independent, Retirement Living folks, but our presence is demonstrating that there’s a lot they need to work on. So they WANT us to keep pointing out problems.

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